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  • Duy Asher


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40 Superhero Logic Memes That Will Make You Question Everything

Ever feeling down? Well, here’s a ridiculously wholesome fact to lift your spirits—whenever Baby Groot stands on someone’s shoulder,...
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40 Relatable Parenting Memes That Only Sleep-Deprived Moms and Dads Will Understand

Parenting is a beautiful journey filled with love, laughter, and… complete exhaustion. If you’ve ever reheated your coffee six...
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40 Gen X Memes That Are Too Old for TikTok but Too Young for Retirement

Gen X is the generation that grew up without seatbelts, survived on cereal commercials, and somehow made it through...
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40 Call Center Memes That Hit Harder Than a Customer Yelling ‘Let Me Speak to a Manager’

Working in a call center is a special kind of punishment. You clock in, put on your best customer...
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30 Hilarious Movie Costume Fails That Fans Spotted Faster Than the Directors

Have you ever been so into a movie, completely lost in the story, only to be yanked back to...
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40 Dark Humor Memes So Funny, Your Therapist Might Need Therapy Too

Therapy is great, but let’s be real—sometimes, the best way to cope is by sending your therapist a meme...
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40 Everyday Struggles Memes That Hit So Hard, You Can Feel the Pain Through the Screen

Life isn’t just difficult—it’s a constant battle against the universe’s most annoying little inconveniences. The alarm clock that rings...