40 Awful Taste But Great Execution: When Bad Ideas Are Too Well-Made To Hate

Life is full of questionable decisions—like eating gas station sushi or texting your ex at 2 AM. But nothing quite embodies this concept like the masterpieces in the Awful Taste But Great Execution category. These are the kinds of designs that make you pause, tilt your head, and whisper, “But… why?”

From disturbingly realistic cake sculptures to furniture that looks like it escaped from a fever dream, these images capture the fine art of committing way too hard to a bad idea. Is it talent? Is it madness? Is it both? Whatever it is, you won’t be able to look away.

#1. A TV set from the 70s

Awful Taste But Great Execution 1Source: BaronVonBroccoli

#2. Interesting

Awful Taste But Great Execution 2Source: jjmontuori

#3. 🐔

Awful Taste But Great Execution 3Source: Even-Safe7078

#4. Hat left behind at our bar

Awful Taste But Great Execution 4Source: Leading-Occasion4886

#5. Behold, the truck fountain of Cullman, Alabama

Awful Taste But Great Execution 5Source: OriginalLu

#6. My sister got this for my colorblind brother

Awful Taste But Great Execution 6Source: WeabooHater9136

#7. Painting I found in a shop. Should have bought it.

Awful Taste But Great Execution 7Source: kolfa

#8. Located at a bar in Shinjuku, Japan. There is a bathroom with a GAINT head located infront of the toilet. Activated by the pressure from the seat, the face sings a strange drunken tune and slowly moves towards you… Making the room smaller and smaller, until its lips ‘kiss’ your knees

Awful Taste But Great Execution 8Source: SprinklesPublic

#9. If 13 year old me became an interior designer

Awful Taste But Great Execution 9Source: slickdaddyvick

#10. I was told this should live here

Awful Taste But Great Execution 10Source: Komplexs

#11. Me: I’m having issues projecting my voice Barber: Say no more

Awful Taste But Great Execution 11Source: oistr

#12. Adult knit onesie

Awful Taste But Great Execution 12Source: bsurfn2day

#13. Bath/Toilet design

Awful Taste But Great Execution 13Source: Beras11

#14. This woodwork

Awful Taste But Great Execution 14Source: griffithdidnthwrong

#15. what’s the matter babe, you haven’t touched your shrekfast

Awful Taste But Great Execution 15Source: DimitriTooProBro

#16. This illegal immigration Halloween costume

Awful Taste But Great Execution 16Source: Wiffilus

#17. This crocheted sign in my local brewery bathroom

Awful Taste But Great Execution 17Source: Leffe-

#18. This hair

Awful Taste But Great Execution 18Source: MittensRL

#19. It’s stupid, but kinda sick ngl

Awful Taste But Great Execution 19Source: Allridium

#20. Gingerbread Crack House

Awful Taste But Great Execution 20Source: shpritzie

#21. Who says crown molding is overdone?

Awful Taste But Great Execution 21Source: buckleybuilds

#22. This phone case

Awful Taste But Great Execution 22Source: FallenKai

#23. Keyboard with cheese styled keycaps

Awful Taste But Great Execution 23Source: Pinecone

#24. My friend went to a wedding where they had a guy handing out martini olives in a bathtub full of olives

Awful Taste But Great Execution 24Source: devmikale

#25. A microscopic toilet created for a micrograph competiton and yeah won it

Awful Taste But Great Execution 25Source: just_minutes_ago

#26. My best mate made a sh*tty cake for my birthday

Awful Taste But Great Execution 26Source: TaoTheCat

#27. Was told to post my Tramp Stamp for Tuesday

Awful Taste But Great Execution 27Source: HalfAdult

#28. Long time lurker, then I saw this and just had to share.

Awful Taste But Great Execution 28Source: dreaming-md

#29. WW2 Mickey Mouse gas mask intended to make the mask look less scary for children

Awful Taste But Great Execution 29Source: NemoVivet

#30. This beard/haircut

Awful Taste But Great Execution 30Source: SomeNorwegianChick

#31. Who needs a mask when you can have a personal ecosystem

Awful Taste But Great Execution 31Source: Reddit User

#32. This set of dice for DnD

Awful Taste But Great Execution 32Source: dewpoke

#33. A knitted, skin-colored ski mask…

Awful Taste But Great Execution 33Source: KrissiKross

#34. When you’re a sh*t body mechanic but an awesome roofer

Awful Taste But Great Execution 34Source: Reddit User

#35. M’lighter

Awful Taste But Great Execution 35Source: Reddit User

#36. The 90s in one bitchin’ tattoo

Awful Taste But Great Execution 36Source: Reddit User

#37. This Lenin Jesus and Mickey statue

Awful Taste But Great Execution 37Source: Zeugirdork

#38. Razor Blade Advertisement In Germany

Awful Taste But Great Execution 38Source: DefenderOfNuts

#39. Teach a man to fish… Then tattoo his leg

Awful Taste But Great Execution 39Source: FreshlyCutGrass976

#40. Formula 1 wheels on a regular bike

Awful Taste But Great Execution 40Source: av_geek72

We’ve all encountered that thing—the one that makes you cringe and clap at the same time. Maybe it was a mansion decorated entirely in leopard print or a birthday cake shaped like a raw chicken. Whatever it was, we want to hear about it!

Drop your most “Awful Taste But Great Execution” sightings in the comments. Let’s celebrate the fine line between genius and disaster!

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