48 Funny Moments Of Pets At The Vet That Prove It’s A Place Of Healing… And Ultimate Betrayal (Just Ask Your Pet)

Life is full of surprises—some good, like finding money in your old jeans, and some bad, like realizing your pet knows exactly where you’re taking them the moment you turn onto the vet’s street. Few things in this world are as funny (or as tragic) as the expressions of betrayed cats, melodramatic dogs, and utterly confused birds when they realize they’ve been tricked into a check-up.

In this collection of funny moments of pets at the vet, we bring you the greatest hits of “Why have you done this to me?” captured in photographic perfection. From chihuahuas attempting to vanish into thin air to cats giving their owners the most judgmental glares imaginable, these images are a must-see for anyone who loves animals—or just enjoys watching them overreact in the most dramatic ways possible.

#1. Asked wife how the visit to the vet was going….

Funny Moments Of Pets At The VetSource: philman222

#2. Dropped her off at the vet for her checkup. 15 minutes later they sent us this

Funny Moments Of Pets At The VetSource: travlawl

#3. This vet has a pocket kitty

Funny Moments Of Pets At The VetSource: CertifiedAnus

#4. This look when leaving him at the vet for a few hours

Funny Moments Of Pets At The VetSource: WhileFalseRepeat

#5. My dog pins herself against the wall when she knows we’re at the vet

Funny Moments Of Pets At The VetSource: air_freshener__

#6. Drove right past the park and he instantly knew he was going to the Vet

funny moments of pets at vet 6Source: firesprinklerman

#7. The vet is SO scary!!

funny moments of pets at vet 7Source: drenniks

#8. Turns out the vet made a mistake, our beautiful girl is actually a handsome boy

funny moments of pets at vet 8Source: TrickySkunk

#9. My friends Husky after the 3rd time she had to be shaved down for a tick. She refuses to take the vets treats now.

funny moments of pets at vet 9Source: xellex

#10. My dog after vet visit

funny moments of pets at vet 10Source: filipp23

#11. In Istanbul, a stray cat mom took her baby to the ER. Doctors and paramedics helped the baby and took them to a vet.

funny moments of pets at vet 11Source: belkigeliryarin

#12. He’s been staring at this cat since we got to the vet. Licked it twice.

funny moments of pets at vet 12Source: Cradnee

#13. My roommate is a vet. Here’s one of her patients on tranquilizer.

funny moments of pets at vet 13Source: OMNeigh

#14. The moment he realized we went past the dog park and we’re on the way to the vet

funny moments of pets at vet 14Source: firemike28

#15. H*mping the Vet before neutering

funny moments of pets at vet 15Source: PandorasFox

#16. Having a cone collar fitted at the vet was bad enough, then my dog had to come home to the cat

funny moments of pets at vet 16Source: belhavenbest

#17. What happens when you’re a jerk to the nice vet during a house call

funny moments of pets at vet 17Source: Matraxia

#18. So I took my kitten to the vet…

funny moments of pets at vet 18Source: lisambee99

#19. Trip to the vet after she got into the brownie stash

funny moments of pets at vet 19Source: SloanXL

#20. Vet said he had to lose 20 lbs, this is how he looks when I make food

funny moments of pets at vet 20Source: takesasaint

#21. Our baby hiding at the vet, very hidden

funny moments of pets at vet 21Source: Reddit User

#22. My cat’s face when the vet took her temperature

funny moments of pets at vet 22Source: seastar11

#23. My sister is a vet tech and took my dog with her to work, I asked her how he was doing and she sent me this..

funny moments of pets at vet 23Source: Jakeglen97

#24. my dog (standard poodle) smiles every time i come back home. he has been smiling ever since he was 6 months old. the vet said she never saw a dog smile this big!! such a sweet puppy 🥺

funny moments of pets at vet 24bSource: mmmeeejjjs

#25. My mom asked me to take her new dog to the Vet & to not be scared when he sits in the car. He sat like this the entire time..

funny moments of pets at vet 25Source: PLUSsignenergy

#26. My kitty gets very scared at the vet. He shivers and cries on the way, so I bring his blanket. And he fell asleep at the vet after we tucked him in

funny moments of pets at vet 26Source: Where_am_I_now

#27. My coworker’s cat was misbehaving at the vet, so this was his solution. Cat wasn’t into it.

funny moments of pets at vet 27Source: Laenova

#28. My cat was afraid of the vet, so he hid.

funny moments of pets at vet 28Source: Reddit User

#29. Our cat had to have her belly shaved at the vet. She is not happy.

funny moments of pets at vet 29Source: joejones11

#30. Took my cat to the vet today. This was the best hiding place he could find.

funny moments of pets at vet 30Source: jlhallett7

#31. Go to the vet they said. It’ll be fun they said.

funny moments of pets at vet 31Source: toolfan669

#32. My dog hiding from the vet.

funny moments of pets at vet 32Source: Reddit User

#33. Two of my cats got into a fight. The loser had to go to the vet and get his tail shaved.

funny moments of pets at vet 33Source: musky13

#34. My friend left her cat at the vet’s office overnight

funny moments of pets at vet 34Source: Sagawkins

#35. Took my dad’s cat to the vet this morning. This was his reaction seeing me again later in the afternoon

funny moments of pets at vet 35Source: fahlly

#36. He knows he’s at the vet

funny moments of pets at vet 36Source: itssubhuman

#37. My cat broke his foot yesterday. Vet said cats are great orthopedic patients because they know to stay off the bone… He’s been like this for a while now.

funny moments of pets at vet 37Source: rawcaret

#38. Every time I forget to explicitly tell him we are NOT going to vet I get this worried look

funny moments of pets at vet 38Source: not_kresent

#39. I think my dog knows she’s going to the vet today

funny moments of pets at vet 39Source: NickCB

#40. This is how he sat in his favorite spot when he came home from the vet high as a kite

funny moments of pets at vet 40 1Source: asianflea91

#41. This is what my cat does whenever we go to the vet…

funny moments of pets at vet 41Source: awkwardlittleturtle

#42. Did this Uber driver just bring me to the Vet again?!

funny moments of pets at vet 42Source: NBAJam95

#43. Vet visit. As you zoom in the grumpier he looks.

funny moments of pets at vet 43Source: Taserface22

#44. My girlfriend works at a vet, and found this guy after he woke up from surgery

funny moments of pets at vet 44Source: StarkOTheScuttlebutt

#45. My friend works at a vet and just posted this to Facebook. Apparently this dog just woke up from sedation.

funny moments of pets at vet 45Source: bargainmusic

#46. So my cat really hates the vet lol

funny moments of pets at vet 46Source: therzner

#47. Our dog turned into a puddle of goo after being sedated for a vet visit

funny moments of pets at vet 47Source: melllis

#48. Taking my sweet kitty to the vet.

funny moments of pets at vet 48Source: gruesomeflowers

Whether your dog tried to escape through the waiting room door, your cat pulled off an Oscar-worthy performance of “I am but a poor, suffering creature,” or your rabbit simply gave up on life altogether, we know you’ve seen some legendary vet visit moments.

Drop your funniest pet-at-the-vet story in the comments! Let’s celebrate these four-legged (and sometimes winged) drama kings and queens who make every vet visit a comedy show.

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